Worksheet instructions:
- Choose a secret word you want the STS to find. Make it a word they will know. I also recommend doing a noun.
- Depending on the word, make target English sentences (e.g if the word is ‘tiger’, which has 5 letters, make 5 sentences)
- Each sentence should have 1 word missing, and in it’s place squares (e.g if the missing word is ‘run’, where ‘run’ would be in the sentence is 3 squares).
- In 1 space of the squares, either put a star or some other defining feature. This part is important. The star must be in a square of the letter that will spell out the final word (e.g if the secret word is ‘tiger’ and the missing word is ‘run’, the first square for the ‘r’ will have the star/defining feature)
- At the bottom of your sentences place the number of squares for the secret word (e.g if the word is ‘tiger’, put 5 squares)
Game rules: STS are in groups and each ST gets the above mentioned worksheet. On the blackboard/PowerPoint have the list of words needed for the blank spaces in the sentences. STS work together to put the correct words into the blank squares and then work out the word that the special letters are spelling.
I have attached the worksheet I made for my class, but sadly I can’t make a template for this as it is dependent on the language of the class.